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Daily Announcements - 1/2/25 Day 5

Posted Date: 1/02/25 (7:58 AM)

Happy New Year and Welcome Back!

Ski Trip
Attention all students interested in the school ski trip…the last day for handing in forms and money is Monday January 6th.  Please see Mr. LaManna or Mrs. Fitzgerald ASAP with any questions!
The TED-ED club will meet today, 1/2, after school in room 107.  Please see Mr. McGorty or Mr. Wiley if you have any questions.
Winter 2 Sports
Final Forms is now open for Winter 2 sports that include Boys’ Volleyball, Girls’ Basketball and Wrestling.
Register today and sign all forms.
Concussion Testing
Concussion Baseline Testing will be held on Wednesday January 8th after school in room 205