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Daily Announcements - 3/20/25 Day 5

Posted Date: 3/20/25 (1:07 PM)

Happy First Day of Spring!

World Down Syndrome Day
This Friday March 21st is World Down Syndrome Day!  Socks and bracelets will be on sale outside of room 121 this week!
March is Women’s History month!  The quote of the day is by Mother Teresa.  She said:  “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
There are several donation boxes in the main lobby for various 8th grade community projects.  Please consider donating for Posh pets, Book fairies, Bethany House, Ruff House Rescue, SIBS Place, the Ronald McDonald House and small toys for kids with cancer.

Ted-Ed Club
TED-ED club will meet today, 3/20, after school in 107.  Please see Mr. McGorty and Mr. Wiley if you have any questions.
Art Club
There will be an Art club meeting in room  126 today, 3/20, after school.  New members are always welcome.
Action and Service Club
The Action and Service club will be holding a meeting in room 210 next Tuesday, March 25th.  Come join us to brainstorm some spring community service opportunities.  All are welcome.
Girls' Spring Track & Field
There will be a general interest meeting for girls spring track and field after school on Thursday, 3/20, in room 401.